Friday, June 27, 2008

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Awww they beat me to it

These are to Fashion what Jack Dee is to Television

Honeymoon Photoshop effort

Recently created for a special pair of people.
Was the lens flair too much?

I need new fonts...

Freezing things for pleasure

Two lessons in gastronomy I have learned.

Add salt, just a bit.

Stuff tastes better cold, and lots of things taste better frozen.

Plums- Leave them in until half frozen so they are still juicy in the middle
Jello Pudding- Leave for 4 hours and it will be like ice cream but less... creamy
Cottage cheese- mix it every hour or so after putting it in until frozen.

Oh and Baby racing

Wednesday, March 5, 2008


There has been an absence of real "bad boys" in the modern United States following the practice of neutering of the middle class male at birth implemented in the 80s. girls have unfortunately replaced this hole in their lives with that most ubiquitous of creatures...

the 21st century douche.

This link makes both happy and sad. Like when I realize we no longer have dinosaurs because they were hit by a giant meteor. The image of fiery Dinogeddon kind of makes up for the result

Monday, March 3, 2008


I recently decided to become an Obama supporter. This makes me rather unremarkable. However I figure my journey to becoming one was worth a mention.

Now the following must be taken into consideration...
  • I hate Neo-cons. Neo-cons are why I can't actively identify myself as a moderate conservative in my classes at NYU. Somehow the party of Abraham Lincoln, the political party which was elected to take America out of Vietnam has become populated with these freaks and the Democrats are not much better.
  • I oppose the war in Iraq
  • I believe in personal freedom and hate the way religion and politics are like inbred cousins to each other in this country.
  • I believe that while not intrinsically benevolent the free market is the best economic and social indicator we have right now in the western world. More immediate than the media and with higher participation than political democratic process.

So I started out supporting Chris Dodd...

Did you laugh? Well It turned out you have every right to. Pretty soon it became clear that this was the equivalent of hoping that Judas Ihateamerica would win a pro-wrestling match against Hulk Hogan.

So like the rest of the internets I decided to traipse over to Ron Paul and his humongous throbbing "money bombs" with all the subtlety of an autistic chimpanzee in a My Chemical Romance shirt.

Well that train never really left the station. Perhaps it was the huge wads of cash, including 10 dollars out of my non-income which is weighing it down.

So I am left with McCain, Clinton and Obama

Well McCain wants to stay in Iraq and this kind of negates the small benefits which would of been gained to our economy from his other policies. So fail.

Hilary Clinton. Remember what I said about neo-cons? Epic fail

So that leaves me with... Someone who has never had any management experience at any large scale political level, whose economic policies are at odds with my own values and a very dodgy history regarding his religious background.

What does that make me? Well a digger of course.